WEB360 BY W7

35% more website visitors,
20% more leads

Take centre stage with Web360, the digital marketing subscription that delivers. Cancel anytime.

Group of futuremeds contacts

360° visibility for your company.

Full-service marketing, only pay for what you  get.
Mit einem 360°-Abo, das Website, SEO, Online-Werbung und Social Media nahtlos integriert - monatlich kündbar.
Websites bei w7 GmbH Werbeagentur in Gelnhausen Hanau Gummersbach Köln Frankfurt
Responsive websites
Dynamic content: blogs, job portals, shop systems
Special solutions: user interfaces, customer portals, configurators
Translation up to 40 languages
SEO & discoverability
Technical optimization (Google Lighthouse 90+)
Content optimization, location/topic-specific
Maintaining public profiles, e.g. Google MyBusiness
social media
Social media templates
Setting up all channels (Meta, LinkedIn, TikTok)
Drafting and coordination of content, timely distribution
Social ads (advertising)
Performance Marketing Agentur w7 Werbeagentur Köln Frankfurt
Setting up and maintaining Google Ads campaigns
Preparation of campaign content
Downstream information, e.g. brochures, landing pages
GDPR-compliant ads tracking
Datenschutz Cookie Beratung bei w7 Werbeagentur Frankfurt Köln Hanau Gelnhausen
Technology & data protection
Our advice and services are technical in nature. They do not replace legal or data protection advice
Techn. Support domains, DNS settings, 99.99% availability
Installation and support of form/DB connections
Techn. auditing websites for GDPR compliance, cookie solutions
Responsive, custom websites
Dynamic content: blogs, job portals, shop systems
Special solutions: user interfaces, customer portals, configurators
Support over 40 languages
Websites bei w7 GmbH Werbeagentur in Gelnhausen Hanau Gummersbach Köln Frankfurt
SEO & Discoverability
Technical optimization (Google Lighthouse 90+)
Content optimization, location and topic-specific
Maintaining public profiles, e.g. Google MyBusiness
Social Media
Social media templates
Setting up all channels (Meta, LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, 小红书)
Content creation, coordination and timely distribution
Social ads (advertising)
Setting up and maintaining Google Ads campaigns
Preparation of campaign content
Downstream information, e.g. brochures, landing pages
GDPR-compliant ads tracking
Performance Marketing Agentur w7 Werbeagentur Köln Frankfurt
Technology & Data protection
Our advice and services are technical in nature. They do not replace legal or data protection advice
Techn. Support domains, DNS settings, 99.99% availability
Installation and maintenance of form/database connections
Techn. auditing websites for GDPR compliance, cookie solutions
Checking website conversions for GDPR compliance (e.g. adjustments after shop installation, implementation of tag manager, general tracking)
Datenschutz Cookie Beratung bei w7 Werbeagentur Frankfurt Köln Hanau Gelnhausen

4 million users

or followers on projects supervised by us

40 languages

Including German, English, French, Spanish, Polish, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Arabic, Turkish, Thai, Filipino, Vietnamese — AND of course: Scottish.
Customer Insight

200+ projects

implemented until Q1/2025

Customer trust that we earn every day:

Better marketing,
better performance.

The subscription model saves you costly, one-time payments and achieves better results.

What makes the project stand out
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Pacific Cross
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Pacific Cross

Kawai Pianos Europe
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Kawai Pianos Europe

Bayer AG
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Bayer AG

ASKIAS Lasersysteme
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ASKIAS Lasersysteme

STZ Group
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STZ Group

AUXXOS Lasertechnik
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AUXXOS Lasertechnik

Hira Supermarkt
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Hira Supermarkt

ASKEA Gruppe
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ASKEA Gruppe

Studien in Berlin
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Studien in Berlin

Messner emtronic
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Messner emtronic

Emovis by Futuremeds
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Emovis by Futuremeds

Trosdorf Architekten Ingenieure
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Trosdorf Architekten Ingenieure

ASKEA Feinmechanik
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ASKEA Feinmechanik

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Chart Arrow Rise

More customer inquiries

35% more website visitors, 20% more leads


Full-service agency

You have one central contact point for all your marketing needs


Flexible terms

Monthly cancellation option

RFID Signal

Better visibility

Trustworthy, reputable visibility

Drawing Compass

For specialized companies

We'll  become better versed in your field of business.

Us Dollar Circled

Flexible financing

Monthly contribution instead of large, once-off payments.

Brochures & downloads

Here you can download all relevant brochures and information material.

What our customers say

From SMEs to corporations, we rely on Web360 every day - thanks for that!

"We have successfully launched 11 websites, 5 of which are in German and 6 in other European languages."

Nele Brennecke
Futuremeds Ltd.

"Very satisfied with w7 GmbH and their services, the quality is amazing."

Bernd Büttner
Bayer AG

"We have been working successfully with w7 GmbH - and before that with Mr Mann - for four years now."

Erik Hansen
ASKIAS Lasersysteme

“Working with w7 is a great mix of new ideas and very solid development. We have great trust in them, both, technically and design-wise.”

Alex Kwong
Pacific Cross Insurance Co.

"We receive full-service marketing from w7 GmbH, from the website to SEO to Google campaigns, which makes us highly discoverable for our customers."

Goran Gavric
STZ Group

"Many thanks for the excellent collaboration!"

Julia Woko
ASKEA Gruppe

"Mr Mann's team looks after us from the website to social media to print materials for our events. We are completely satisfied!"

Michael Kretschmann
Bayer AG


What is Web360 and how does it work?
Here you can read everything else you would like to know.
What is Web360?

Web360 is a digital marketing subscription that can be cancelled monthly. For your monthly fee, you receive a quota of hours, which in turn is invested in various areas of marketing, e.g. the expansion of your website, advertising, SEO or the expansion of your social media channels.

I'm interested, what's next?
  1. Arrange a non-binding initial consultation using the contact function.
  2. We coordinate your marketing needs together and create a customised offer.
  3. We then collect as much relevant data about your company, your strategy and your products as possible and draw up a coherent catalogue of measures, which we then implement.
How does Web360 work?

You subscribe to packages with us and receive a time budget of 4 working hours per package. We invest this hourly budget, after consultation, in the various focal points of digital marketing:

  • Support and expansion of your website
  • Development and optimisation of campaigns
  • Development and support of social media
  • Technical and content optimisation for Google (SEO)
  • We do everything we can to improve your public image and visibility according to your wishes and to create a high-quality appearance that creates trust with your customers.
What distinguishes Web360 from "normal" agencies?

In a typical agency collaboration, you buy individual solutions (e.g. a website or a performance campaign), which result in high one-off payments if the project is not proven to be successful.

This type of cooperation creates 3 problems in the collaboration:

  1. The agency must assume that the collaboration will then end and therefore demand the highest possible price in relation to its work performance,
  2. In a one-off collaboration, there is hardly any transfer of knowledge about your products/services - but these should be at the centre of attention,
  3. You usually need several agencies, all of which charge a setup fee and are time-consuming to manage.

Even before AI and website generators, we did not believe that individual services, a concept or a new website were really promising and therefore developed Web360, which comprehensively solves the 3 problems:

  1. Our subscription works as 'perpetual 0% financing' that frees you from sometimes substantial one-off payments. A subscription lives from the fact that customers simply stay forever - there is no incentive to charge you excessive prices.
  2. As we take a holistic approach to marketing, you don't need another agency partner for every new step, but work with a permanent team that gets to know you better and better.
How can I distribute my hourly budget?

To give you an idea: Smaller businesses often start with 1-2 packages, bigger businesses have up to 20 packages with us at the same time. The hours from the packages are used flexibly or assigned to fixed categories, e.g. only the website, after joint agreement.Some work requires ongoing commitment, e.g. social media in the sense of weekly posts. Other work requires a compressed amount of time, e.g. 40 hours for the one-off development of the website. Here you have the flexibility to either save up hourly budgets in advance or build up a negative budget, which you can reduce again over time.You therefore benefit from "permanent 0% financing" and invest in your marketing with a balanced financial outlay. The next steps and investments in the hourly budget are then communicated and jointly decided on a monthly basis.

What are the advantages of working with Web360?

Working with Web360 offers you many advantages, including:

  • The long-term subscription model allows us to get to know your products better and builds mutual trust
  • This benefits the quality of your public image and you receive more valuable enquiries
  • The focus of your marketing mix adapts to your needs
  • Balanced marketing costs that fit into your business model
  • Marketing from consulting to implementation from a single source
How do I find out how and where my budget is being invested?

On request, you will receive a monthly overview of your current hourly budget. Your hourly bookings are also listed on every monthly invoice.

What is the cancellation period? Are there subscription breaks?

Web360 runs indefinitely from the start. The package can be cancelled monthly with 8 weeks' notice to the end of the month.

Example: If cancelled on 03.01.2025, the package ends on 31.03.2025 Web360 works as a subscription to an hourly budget.

Any negative balances must be cleared upon cancellation. In the event of a negative balance on the hourly account, the subscription is automatically extended until the negative amount is cleared.

w7 provides regular information on the budget status, especially when budgets are exceeded. New orders are also always informed about the budget.

Example: If you would like a website to be created with an effort of 40 hours, but only have 8 hours of available credit, this results in a negative credit of -32 hours. You cannot cancel until this amount is balanced. As soon as the amount is balanced, the monthly cancellation option applies.

You can pause your subscription for as long as you like by prior arrangement. We have a "common sense rule" for this, i.e. we consider each case individually within the scope of its reasonableness.

Is Web360 already widespread?

Since the launch of the product in 2023, we have grown (solely through word of mouth) to 4 employees and around 50 packages, and the trend is rising. In 2024, our websites had over 1,000,000 visitors in total for the first time.

What are the advantages of working with Web360?

Apart from the costs for Web360, there are no setup fees or other once-off payments. There are only additional costs for other services, such as hosting the website or the advertising costs for Google Ads and Social Ads. We charge the costs incurred by external service providers without charging any additional fees.

What are the advantages of working with Web360?

We are the only service provider you need hat manages the channels or technical measures (website, Google profiles, social media profiles, domains, email addresses, etc.) for you. If you leave the Web360 subscription, we will transfer all profiles to you.

In addition to a complete handover on termination, we also offer partial internal handovers. For example, if you hire a marketing manager or a working student who takes over part of the business but still requires agency services or consulting, we are happy to continue working in tandem and hand over parts of the profiles to you while we continue to manage others on your behalf.

How much does Web360 cost?

Web360 costs €360 net per package per month, and with just one package you can spend 4 hours per week building a great website that showcases your content, set up a campaign and rely on either maintained Google profiles or basic social media activity.By purchasing 2-4 packages, you naturally open up a wider range of possibilities, whether you also want to map search engine optimisation (SEO), increase the frequency of social media posts or simply map more technically complex websites, please also read the questions "What are typical application examples?" and "How do I distribute my hourly budget?"

Marketing made easy.
Try Web360 now.

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